Welcome to St. Thomas Hollywood

St. Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood is an Episcopal Parish in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition.

We are called by God to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named, and where hearts are freed to change the world.

We welcome all people.

We educate, inspire and empower everyone to be Christ in service to the world. We celebrate authentic liturgies in the great tradition of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.


  • CHRISTMAS DECORATING: Calling all angels and elves! It’s time to prepare St. Thomas for the holiday season. If you can spare some time on any of the following dates, your assistance would be very much appreciated! Sunday, 27 November at 12:30PM: Phase One of Christmas installation - exterior and Large Parish Hall. Sunday, 18 December at 12:30PM - Phase Two of Christmas installation - Church interior 

  • PANCAKE BREAKFAST & TOY DRIVE: On Saturday, 17 December from 9am to 11:30am at the Elks Lodge in Burbank (2322 N Hollywood Way) Parishioner Robert Patrick’s Boozefighters will present a Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Boy Scouts to benefit Hillsides. A donation of $8 is requested along with an unwrapped gift for the children of Hillsides.  At 11:30am Boozefighters will kick their kickstands up and deliver all the toys to Hillsides (940 Avenue 64, Pasadena).

  • WEEKLY LECTURE SERIES: Sundays at 9:45am join us for the weekly lecture series in the Large Parish Hall: The World’s Greatest Churches. Click here for more details.

  • CATECHUMEN CLASS: If you are interested in becoming a member of STAH or in reinvigorating your knowledge of our faith and worship, consider joining this year's Catechumen Class. Contact the Parish Office here for more information.

  • THE DIGITAL DISCIPLESHIP GROUP is currently looking for new volunteers to help live-stream our beautiful liturgy. We rotate shifts, so feel free to choose the day and time that works best for you. All training and equipment are provided – no previous experience necessary. Please contact Geoff Clark-Tosca. We look forward to welcoming you to our amazing team!

Our Services

We look forward to seeing you at Saint Thomas Hollywood!


8:00 am - Low Mass with Sermon followed by coffee hour

9:15 am - Holy Rosary in the Sunday School Room

10:30 am - High Mass with Sermon and Music followed by coffee hour

Tues. & Weds.

7:00 pm - Low Mass in the Lady Chapel


8:00 am - Matins in the Lady Chapel. You may follow along with the Matins booklet here.


5:00 pm - Latin Vigil Mass

Contact Us

7501 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA, 90046

(323) 876-2102


Please let us know in the form below if you’d like more information on our ministries, sign up for the newsletter, host an event at St. Thomas, etc.